HDFS - Hadoop Distributed File System
GFS - Google File System
JSON - Java Script Object Notation
NN - NameNode
DN - Data Node
SNN - Secondary NameNode
JT - Job Tracker
TT - Task Tracker
HA NN - Highly Available NameNode (or NN HA - NameNode Highly Available)
REST - Representational State Transfer
HiveQL or HQL - Hive Query Langauge or Hive SQL
CDH - Cloudera’s Distribution Including Apache Hadoop
ZKFC - ZooKeeper Failover Controller
HVE - Hadoop Virtual Extensions
FUSE - Filesystem In Userspace
YARN - Yet Another Resource Negotiator
SerDe - Serialiser and Deserialiser
Hue - Hadoop User Experience
JRE - Java Runtime Engine
JNA - Java Native Access
JVM - Java Virtual Machine
JMX - Java Management Extensions
JAR - Java ARchive
AWS - Amazon Web Services
S3 - Simple Storage Service
EC2 - Elastic Compute Cloud
VPC - Virtual Private Cloud
EMR - Elastic Map Reduce
IAM - Identity Access Management
RDS - Relational Database Service
GCP - Google Cloud Platform
GCE - Google Compute Engine
User Defined Functions (UDFs)
User Defined Aggregates Functions (UDAFs)
User Defined Table Functions (UDTFs)
Related Hadoop Articles: Apache Hadoop Hadoop Commercial Distributions
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