Terraform Command Line Interface (Terraform CLI)
$ terraform
Usage: terraform [--version] [--help] <command> [args]
Common commands:
apply Builds or changes infrastructure
console Interactive console for Terraform interpolations
destroy Destroy Terraform-managed infrastructure
fmt Rewrites config files to canonical format
get Download and install modules for the configuration
graph Create a visual graph of Terraform resources
import Import existing infrastructure into Terraform
init Initialize a new or existing Terraform configuration
output Read an output from a state file
plan Generate and show an execution plan
providers Prints a tree of the providers used in the configuration
push Upload this Terraform module to Terraform Enterprise to run
refresh Update local state file against real resources
show Inspect Terraform state or plan
taint Manually mark a resource for recreation
untaint Manually unmark a resource as tainted
validate Validates the Terraform files
version Prints the Terraform version
workspace Workspace management
All other commands:
debug Debug output management (experimental)
force-unlock Manually unlock the terraform state
state Advanced state management
terraform -version
terraform taint -help
terraform init # will install provider plugins
terraform init -upgrade commands_exec/
terraform get
terraform plan
terraform plan -out=demo.tfplan
terraform plan --destroy -out destroy-plan
terraform apply
terraform apply demo.tfplan
terraform apply -var 'zones=["us-east-1b", "us-east-1d"]'
terraform apply -var-file=sample.tfvars
terraform destroy
terraform destroy -target=aws_security_group.elb_sg
terraform workspace list
terraform workspace new dev
terraform workspace select
$ terraform import aws_instance.example i-abcd1234 # import existing infrastructure
$ terraform import aws_key_pair.deployer deployer-key
terraform import aws_vpc.web_vpc vpc-25b7495d
terraform refresh
terraform show # to show the attributes in the state file
terraform state list
terraform state show aws_vpc.web_vpc
terraform graph
terraform output
terraform output ips_var
terraform output -module=network
site_address=$(terraform output site_address)
web_server_ip=$(terraform output -module=vm | cut -d " " -f 3)
terraform console
echo "2 + 8" | terraform console
terraform providers
terraform fmt
terraform fmt -check
terraform validate # performs syntax checks
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